Unreal Tournament Performance


Due to the fact that performance in Unreal Tournament is essentially identical in every card until 1024x768x16, we started the benchmarks here. In fact, it is not until 1280x1024x32 that a difference between the 32 MB GeForce and the 64 MB GeForce is seen. The added RAM must prevent some of the texture swapping from occurring, as hypothesized in the 64 MB GeForce review. The SUMA Platinum 64 MB GeForce once again holds its own when paired up against the ASUS V6800/64MB. As usual, the Unreal engine could not take advantage of the faster speed offered by overclocking the card. Only a .8 FPS increase was seen at 1280x1024x32, the resolution which seems to be most stressful on the cards.

Quake III Arena Performance- quaver Conclusion
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  • Dr AB - Friday, May 8, 2020 - link

    I have been reading these old articles for a while now, I do wonder how did they even managed to overclock cpu core & memory core separately? Wish I could knew that.

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