Essentials: Search

One of the places where Windows Phone 8 has done an excellent job of moving forward is the "Search" function. As one of the three buttons mandated on the bottom of the actual phone, this should've been a more robust feature in Windows Phone 7 and 7.5, but I never used it on the Dell Venue Pro. It was easier for me to just type whatever I wanted to search for in the browser window.

In 8, though, things are a bit different. Now there are multiple pages under Search; in addition to conventional web search results, there's a page for News, a page for Movie Showtimes, Local Videos, Local Deals, and Local Events. This feels much more robust. On top of that, whatever you enter into the search bar will provide you with a list of web links for whatever you've searched for, along with local, media, and shopping results. Compare that to the less powerful Search function in WP7.5, which only produced local and image results alongside web.


I couldn't tell you exactly why, but I just find myself using Search far more in WP8 than I did in WP7.5. It feels like a more useful tool and less like a trojan horse for Bing.

Essentials: GPS Navigation

While it's still not the catastrophe that Apple Maps was on release, Bing Maps continues to be a sore spot for Windows Phone. The map quality itself is fine, and Microsoft has worked with Nokia to integrate vector maps, but the actual navigation leaves a lot to be desired. Simply put: Bing Maps doesn't provide turn-by-turn navigation. This was something I found myself missing intensely from my time with Android, as Google's navigation is frankly excellent. With the default Bing Maps, you have to tap the display to get the next direction instead of it just simply being read to you as you approach it.

All isn't entirely lost, though. Until recently, users of Nokia-based Windows Phones had access to Nokia Drive for turn-by-turn navigation, but as of the 23rd, anyone using a handset based on Windows Phone 8 now has access to a beta version of Nokia Drive for free. This finally adds the turn-by-turn navigation that Bing Maps was so desperately lacking, and to me this offers a legitimate solution to a baked-in feature that competing phones sporting Android and iOS have been enjoying for a long time now.

Essentials: Camera

The camera app on Windows Phone 7.5, or at least with the Dell Venue Pro, was frankly mediocre at best and downright terrible at worst. As someone who enjoys foisting pictures of his cat to the internet, the Venue Pro was an exercise in frustration. White balance was never accurate, detail was poor, and image stabilization was nonexistent.

If you switch to Windows Phone 8, though, you'll definitely see a benefit. Windows Phone 8 enjoys more detailed controls for the camera, face detection, and Lenses functionality (the default Bing lens allows you to scan barcodes and text and use it to search online.) On top of that, you benefit from the advances that have gone into smartphone camera hardware in general. The WP8 camera is more responsive, easier to use, and produces far superior point and shoot photos than the Dell Venue Pro did.

Essentials: Browser, E-Mail, Calendar Migrating from Windows Phone 7.5
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  • jeffkibuule - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    I've been using a Nokia Lumia 920 for the past 2 months and pretty much loving it. Windows Phone 8 is no longer hampered by weak hardware, it just needs not "more" apps, but the "right" apps.

    I'd be interested to see whether Microsoft will more heavily leverage the Xbox brand into making both Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8 successful gaming platforms. It really needs more tier 1 studios to make both platforms worthwhile for developing. It should be that hard, especially considering Windows Phone 8 finally supports DirectX (very weird that WP7 didn't expose it to 3rd parties).
  • BedfordTim - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    There are two major ommissions for me.
    Firstly does the speech recognition work, and secondly is there an equivalent to Google's excellent predictive text? For Europeans Google's recognition engine understands the words but fails to act.
  • GrzegorzWidla - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    Speech recognition does work. It's worse than Google's but not a lot. It's definitely usable and the more you use it, the better results it yields. I haven't used voice dictation and various voice commands in non-English.

    As for predictive text, do you mean in keyboard or in search? Keyboard prediction is far better than on Android, especially in Polish which I write in mainly. Also it works perfectly with multiple languages. Google Search prediction is obviously better. Bing is lacking when it comes to text search. It's better though for searching for videos and images - especially due to proper, modern, mobile interface. Searching for images on my Android devices is a joke and I always pick a laptop instead of even trying.
  • CaedenV - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    1) MS's speech recognition is a learning system. The more you use it, the better it gets. When I first turned it on it always had a rough time figuring out what I wanted, but now it is almost always accurate. There are still some issue, like it can never figure out things like desert and dessert (one yielding pictures of guns, and the other giving tasty treats), but for the most part it does an excellent job now that I have used it for a month.
    The really amazing thing is that it does a good job not matter the background noise. I am not sure how much of this is the lumia 920's sound canceling, and how much is the speech recognition engine being good at eliminating extraneous data, but it does work very well, and works faster than the Android phones I have seen/played with.

    2) Predictive text is there and works well. I do wish it was grammar-specific as I am often given an option for the proper root word, but the wrong tense. So I am often given a singular instead of a plural, or a plural when I am looking for a possessive, etc. But like the speech recognition it is a learning system, and it at least catches on to what you are trying to say pretty quickly. As a keyboard typer who can do 60+wpm I thought I would be annoyed at the text input, but while I am still getting use to the lack of tactile feedback, the predictive text does keep up with me pretty well.
  • Thermalzeal - Sunday, February 17, 2013 - link

    The one thing that is better than Google's is the app level API's that can be accessed . For instance, there is a Hey DJ app which allows you to hit your windows phone button and say, "Hey DJ, Play" It works with all music on your phone. The pass through capabilities of being able to integrate not only search but queries to content within the phone are quite powerful.
  • lmcd - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    and regulate its handsets so that all users were Nexus users, no one would care about the 8X. Simply put, it's carriers and skin-happy manufacturers killing (slaughtering?) Android.

    Now, what's your issue with stock? I love stock 4.1, personally.
  • thesavvymage - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    Google can't do that, that is precisely why it is so popular. It is open. The instant they make it impossible for carriers and manufacturers to customize, it will also be extremely difficult for groups like cyanogen to customize android as well. Anybody can go download the source code and customize android, thats what makes it a popular choice among manufactuers. It is both a blessing and a curse
  • UpSpin - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    People complain about fragmentation, yet, it's a stupid term people have no clue about:
    1. If you want the bleeding edge Android version, get a Nexus device. No one forces you to buy a HTC or Samsung device, if you want Android, get a Nexus device. Unlike with iOS however, you can, with Android, buy other devices with different UI being 100% compatible to Android.
    2. The ability to do with Android whatever you want is the reason it's so succesful. Intel is able to port it to their hardware, and so is ARM and MIPS. Not possible with iOS, WP8, other locked down OS. RIM is able to run Android Apps, you are able to run them on Windows, ... not so possible with locked down iOS or WP8 apps. Some people don't like the Android UI, yes, such people exist. They prefer the HTC, Samsung, Sony, ... whatever interface. They are free to choose what they like. The abilty to customize the UI allows manufacturers to differentiate themself from each other. Again, if you don't like the Sense UI, get a Touchwiz, if you want stock Android, get a Nexus device.
    3 It would be pretty boring and totally uninspiring if everyone uses stock Android. Many ideas of Touchwiz/Sense/CM... got integrated in AOSP. Google can take a look at what people like about Touchwiz, Sense, ... and use the best of it. Microsoft on the other hand is the sole developer of WP8. If people don't like specific things, they're fu****. They can't buy a HTC WP8 with a, for their taste, better UI. So it's really boring, and harms progress and inventions. Everyone is forced to use the same.
    4. Fragmentation: There are currently two important Android versions: Version 2 and Version 4. The minor version changes are minor and for most customized Android versions negligible. What matters are the major numbers, because this is important for API and thus App compatibility. The customization added by HTC or Samsung makes the changes done by Google in minor versions mostly negligible. They offer their own keyboard, own launcher, own widgets, own extensions, tweaks, ... And honestly, most users don't even know what Android version they're running. Bugs get fixed by device manufacturers OTA, too, without the need of a minor or major version upgrade, too.
    Fragmentation is a dumb no-reason against Android. iOS is much more fragmented (older devices get a major version upgrade, yet with all the new features artificially disabled (not so on Android, you get what the version supports), so no upgrade at all, but people are dumb enough to think they are running the latest version, yet, nothing changed). WP is even worse. WP8 apps are totally incompatible to WP7.x devices. And if WP8 is two years old, older devices won't be able to run the latest demanding apps and features any longer, either, because older hardware doesn't support it. So either they make it like Apple and increment the major version number without changing anything and break what was working fine in the past, or are honest and stop upgrading the device.

    What's disgusting however, is that companies benefit from Android without supporting it.
    Example: RIM supports emulating Android Apps, yet, they also added their own programming language. That's redundant. It would have been much better if they just natively use Android apps/dalvik and ditch their own approach. So if you develop for RIM you automatically develop for Android. But they want their own Ecosystem. The same with Amazon. They benefit by using Android on their devices, yet, lock it down to only support their Ecosystem and block out everyone else.
    The huge advantage of Java and the Dalvik VM is that you can run the apps everywhere. That's not the case with Objective-C apps, nor with .NET apps.
  • steven75 - Monday, January 28, 2013 - link

    It's sounds like you don't understand what people mean when they say fragmentation. They are talking (most importantly) about supporting all the newest APIs and second the display resolution where you are incorrectly talking about built-in features. A consistent set of APIs are MUCH MUCH MUCH more important than the bonus built-in OS user facing features. I can use a 2+ year old iPhone 4 and download pretty much every single app in the App Store, even those using the very latest iOS 6 APIs. Not so on Android!

    Android 4.x and Android 2.x have different sets of APIs and Android has obviously craploads of display size fragmentation. Multiply those two and you are indeed looking at mass fragmentation.

    Apple has essentially a single set of APIs work across all their devices that are 3 years old or newer and 4 total display sizes. FAR less fragmentation.
  • Belard - Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - link

    How old is Android 2.x? Oh yeah 3 years old. Android 4.x has just surpassed 2.x. Apple still makes the iPhone 3 for the $1 market... the 4S for the $100~50 entry.

    Yeah, Android 2.x sucks... but again, 3 years ago... are we living in 2010?

    Fragmentation is not between the vendors, its *WHEN* low-end manufactures (usually Asian market or cheap $80 tablets in Walgreen's) make cheap devices using very old cheap hardware and sells them currently. ALL new devices from reputable sources are 4.0~4.2.

    Android as a whole, has sold 75% of the phones in 2012...

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