HyperX announced it has designed IR communication channels into each of their new HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB modules which will allow multiple modules to sync in LED lighting. In other words, each DRAM module has an IR sensor on it in order to detect the stick next to it (during startup, the module furthest away from the CPU is determined to be the ‘master’). If the sensor is blocked, the RGB will be static.

The reason for this method of sync, HyperX says, is because different motherboard vendors have different ways of implementing memory traces, which can affect RGB LED timing. Motherboard vendors typically use either a daisy chain or a T-Topology design rule, which both have pros and cons when it comes to timing - with this IR method, HyperX says they can ensure that no matter what layout, the modules will stay in perfect sync. 

The sticks are powered by the DRAM slots itself so there isn’t a need for extra cables to light them up. The implementation of the IR sensor on each module syncs the LEDs with each stick negating the need for a separate controller. The HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB modules are designed to work with MSI’s Mystic Light, ASUS’ Aura Sync, and Gigabyte’s RGB Fusion for system RGB integration and support multiple lighting profiles. 



Pricing was not released yet, but HyperX did say it will add a small amount to the cost per module, but they feel it is worth it to ensure a perfect sync 'every time'. The HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB RAM is expected to be released in Q2 of this year. 

Related Reading:


Source: HyperX

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  • Beaver M. - Friday, January 19, 2018 - link

    You can almost taste how these manufacturers are not feeling well in their skin with these RAM prices and have to add useless features like that to make the price seem more justified.
  • Ninhalem - Friday, January 19, 2018 - link

    It's not the manufacturer's fault that the world economy is capitalistic in nature. This current price atmosphere is the simple product of supply and demand. The real target of your ire should be retailers that jack the price through the roof to make a tidy profit.
  • Beaver M. - Friday, January 19, 2018 - link

    Supply and demand gets normalized sooner or later, because capacities get increased, manufacturing processes get optimized and improved. But just like in the HDD sector they dont want to. They love their little cartel, where they can dictate high prices.

    Retailers already dont earn that much from it, because of huge competition.
  • philehidiot - Friday, January 19, 2018 - link

    That's fine by me, I just won't upgrade and they'll lose any money from me.
  • romrunning - Friday, January 19, 2018 - link

    @ philehidiout - They can't lose what they don't have, right?

    I'm with your intent - I'm not going to buy these light shows either. I'm all for a minimal, clean aesthetic in my case, and I would prefer to get a lower price than any added cost. I'm sure there is a market for them, but I prefer not to be in that target market.
  • philehidiot - Saturday, January 20, 2018 - link

    If the price of DDR4 was reasonable full stop I would be considering an upgrade right now. But, because of the stupidity of the pricing I'm not going to consider it at all and will just use what I have. As for the Blackpool illuminations, I won't waste a penny on it. My case has a window on it but that's because the case I wanted happened to have one. I build a PC to function, not to distract me whilst I'm trying to work. If I wanted it to look pretty, I'd stick a nudie calendar on the side.
  • renegade800x - Friday, January 19, 2018 - link

    WTH!!? I'm impressed they can now incorporate IR blasters in DDR modules but for lighting? Could it be more useless? What's the point of glowing memory modules anyway.. Take the damn leds off and reduce the price or add some extra memory.
    Paint them with fluorescent paint if you want to give some lighting options, we can then point UV lights at them and get the same effect.
  • SanX - Friday, January 19, 2018 - link

    The whole electronics industry became a cartel long ago. And the king there is Intel as anyone can compare. Try to justify the difference in price of $20 4B transistors A11 mobile processors and some $2000 4B transistors Intel server processors.
  • Pinn - Monday, January 22, 2018 - link

    Simple. Expensive people like me working at Intel on making sure those server processors work.
  • Gregorius - Thursday, January 25, 2018 - link

    Wow! I waited all my life for this amazing technological breakthrough!

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