When the USB Type-C interface was introduced several years ago, it took quite some time for the industry to adopt it, which is why makers of USB flash drives have been offered products featuring both USB Type-A and USB Type-C connectors. As the new interface is becoming a de-facto standard for new smartphones as well as PCs, manufacturers of USB drives are starting to make USB-C-only products. Silicon Power is one of such companies with its new Mobile C10 drives.

The Silicon Power Mobile C10 flash drives come equipped with 16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, or 128 GB of unknown NAND flash memory. The drives feature a USB 3.0 Type-C interface supporting up to 5 Gbps data transfer rate, but the manufacturer does not disclose exact performance numbers for its new USB drives (partly because sequential read/write speeds depend on capacity and other factors).

The Mobile C10 USB flash drives from Silicon Power are compatible with all modern PC operating systems, including Apple’s MacOS, Google’s Chrome OS, Microsoft’s Windows, and various flavors of Linux. On the mobile side of things, they can work with Google’s Android with OTG support. Owners of the drives can also download the SP Widget Security Software (for PCs) as well as Recuva File Recovery program.


Measuring 34.1×18.7×8.4 mm, the tiny Mobile C10 flash drives weigh just about 3.2 grams and can be easily carried around on a keychain (granted, there is a hole for that). To protect the USB Type-C connector, the drives are outfitted with a retractable cover that shelters it. Silicon Power says that the storage devices are also built to protect against dust, vibration as well as water and can operate at temperatures between 0°C and 65°C.

Silicon Power Mobile C10 Flash Drives
Capacity 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB 128 GB
Type of NAND Unknown
Maximum Transfer Rate USB Type-C: up to 5 Gbps
Material Polycarbonate
Dimensions 34.1 × 18.7 × 8.4 mm
Weight 3.2 grams
Operating Temperature 0°C to +65°C
Supported OS Windows 10/8.1/8/7/Vista/ XP,
Mac OS 10.X+,
Linux Kernel 2.4X / 2.6X,
Chrome OS, Android OS 6.0+ with OTG function
Warranty Five Years

Silicon Power’s Mobile C10 flash drives will be available in the near future. Retail prices will depend on the region as well as on global pricing of NAND flash memory.

Related Reading:

Source: Silicon Power

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  • 1_rick - Friday, March 29, 2019 - link

    When are thumb drive makers going to stop making ridiculously-wide-bodied drives? Admittedly, I don't think I've seen anyone stacking USB-C ports the way USB-A ports are usually stacked on desktops, so it's potentially less of an issue, but it would be nice of the makers to not assume their device is the only thing I want to plug in.
  • igavus - Friday, March 29, 2019 - link

    There are smaller ones, but the problem with them is that they're often small enough that you could lose one in your pocket and never know it was there. I found several of them when I was cleaning my washing machine the last time ;/
  • name99 - Friday, March 29, 2019 - link

    Depends on your usage case. I use these tiny guys in plug-in-and-forget situations (like plugged into the car head unit, or plugged into a TV).
    Of course they are inappropriate for situations where you are liable to lose them...
    But if you want something tiny that can't be snapped off by a misplaced hand, or by furniture being moved around, then they are just wonderful.
  • flyingpants265 - Sunday, March 31, 2019 - link

    These should be about the size of a pen cap, basically at the limit of the USB-C connector, and made of steel.
  • rrinker - Friday, March 29, 2019 - link

    My mouse for my laptop uses a super tiny USB receiver (no, I am not going to trash a perfectly working mouse for a BT one just because - this one has lasted years and has a battery life of months, only the fancy one it replaced that had the left button fail after just a few months). I usually just leave the receiver plugged in because it is so tiny it is hard to get out. Sure, if there was another USB port right under this I could easily plug in a second device, but the price is a device that is just too small to deal with. USB flash drives get swapped a whole lot more than mouse receivers, and I'd rather not see them get so tiny that you lose them if dropped on the floor. This thing already looks a good bit smaller than any of the other USB sticks I have, probably small enough.
  • name99 - Friday, March 29, 2019 - link

    Yeah, unimpressed.
    Without info about the performance or cost (and if they aren't boasting about them, you know they suck), this seems decidely uninteresting compared to, say:
    which is smaller (just a tiny nub at the end of the USB socket), goes up to 256GB, and is ridiculously cheap.

    Valuable if you HAVE to have USB-C, I guess, but for anyone else...
  • LMonty - Friday, April 5, 2019 - link

    I checked the 1-star reviews and that product seems to have problems when used with large files.
  • Beaver M. - Saturday, March 30, 2019 - link

    Well, it needs cooling. USB sticks cant even reach USB 3.0 speeds because they are too small to be cooled properly.
    If you want a fast USB solution you need to take USB-SSDs, which are 2 to 3 times as big as an average USB thumb drive and can be cooled much better, yet also not enough to have them run at full performance for a long time.
  • colonelclaw - Friday, March 29, 2019 - link

    If, like me, you've wondered why Type-C has taken so long to get a foothold, take a look at this:
    I always assumed the manufacturing process would be as high-tech as the final product, clearly I was mistaken.
  • JoeyJoJo123 - Friday, March 29, 2019 - link

    Ah, a fellow man of culture. I watch Gamer's Nexus videos as well.

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