Adobe has announced a new suite of apps for Android and iOS tablets designed to integrate with the company's desktop applications, and to allow for basic editing and sharing of different types of Adobe files on the go.

There are six apps that make up the package, each with a different function:

  • Adobe Photoshop Touch is a standalone product that allows for basic image manipulation and sharing - it should be more capable than the current Photoshop Express, but less so than the desktop versions of the software.
  • Adobe Debut allows users access to their Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator files on their tablets in a view-only mode to make it easier to show works-in-progress to people and get feedback.
  • Adobe Proto helps you to build website and mobile app templates and mock-ups using a grid.
  • Adobe Collage lets you create, um, "moodboards" from PDF, PSD, and AI files. The name is more self-explanatory: you can import files and assemble them into a collage.
  • Adobe Ideas lets you create rough sketches on your tablet for importing and refining in the desktop versions of Photoshop.
  • Adobe Kuler allows you to create and share "color themes" - color schemes imported from existing images.

All of the new apps will be available on Android for $9.99 apiece, and users can sign up to be notified when they (and the iOS versions, which are coming later) are available. Adobe Ideas is already available in the iOS App Store for $5.99.

Source: Adobe

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  • digitallysane - Tuesday, October 4, 2011 - link
  • Andrew.a.cunningham - Tuesday, October 4, 2011 - link

    SO THEY DID. Article updated/rewritten.
  • B3an - Tuesday, October 4, 2011 - link

    The thought of using Photoshop on current tablets is just laughable. They dont even have enough RAM for large photo editing, and you couldn't get any kinda of accuracy with touch.

    Hopefully when real tablet PC's come out with Windows 8 there will be better hardware. And with a real OS you can have the full Photoshop, not this extremely basic cut down version, and also use any current mouse, keyboard and wacom tablets, or maybe even a pen to draw directly on to the screen. You could also just hook the tablet up to a large monitor for more serious work, because i'm sure many Win 8 tablets with have HDMI out.

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