Despite crazy travel schedules and Brian being in South Korea, we managed to carve out nearly 2 hours across time zones to discuss the iPhone 5. Brian goes over his hands on experiences with the device and we touch on everything that has been happening with the A6 SoC discovery. At the end of the episode, we also give a quick overview of Haswell and discuss the significant changes Intel is making to the platform to support it.

The AnandTech Podcast - Episode 5
featuring Anand Shimpi & Brian Klug

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Total Time: 1 hour 59 minutes

As always, comments are welcome and appreciated. Let us know what you liked, hated and want to hear more of.

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  • dagamer34 - Monday, September 17, 2012 - link

    I like how an hour long podcast in episode 1 has turned into a 2 hour podcast by episode 5!

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • chucknelson - Monday, September 17, 2012 - link

    Love the podcast, keep up the good work!
  • Zink - Monday, September 17, 2012 - link

    Best podcast ever. You should do more videos Anand they are also amazing.
  • Zink - Thursday, September 20, 2012 - link

    I always say best podcast but they exceed my expectations every time. The next one will be the best podcast every. I can't wait to hear more about Haswell.
  • CrazyGPU - Monday, September 17, 2012 - link

    It would be good to estimate if these new Smartphones with Cortex A15, Krait, A6 CPUs and fast GPUs like imaginations, mali, tegra and adreno with high Memory bandwith are capable of running popular pc games like Cod Modern Warfare (2007) if ported.
    I remember that requirements were 2.4 Pentium4 CPUs and Geforce 6600 or Radeon 9800pro GPUs. Also Ion netbooks with GeForce 9400 almost run Cod MW in low q.

    I imagine that if an Atom CPU perf is like a dual cortex A9, new Quad Cores A15s and Krait should very well have the power to run games like HL2 or CodMW if ported.
    In the GPU side I see bandwiths near 10 GB/s with next Mali 604 arround 12.8GB/s.
    Thats kind of low considering that the requirement cards where close to 20GB/s, but still there is tile rendering and compression tech advanced a lot.
    Fillrate for those PC cards where arround 4 Gtexels/s, that seems a big bottleneck too.

    So, do you think these new Smartphones like Galaxy SIII or new Iphone5 would run MW if ported?
    if not, would next gen be enough?
    where is the bottleneck? CPU? fill rate and bandwith?
    With which old desktop CPUs would you compare this Smartphones CPUs in perf and architecture? Pentium III, 4?
    lots of questions for next postcad.

    This Iphone podcast was great. good job guys!.
  • hulawafu77 - Friday, October 12, 2012 - link

    I don't get this. You really find playing games on a 4" screen that enjoyable and using touch, motion controls? To each their own I guess.
  • tipoo - Monday, September 17, 2012 - link

    What did I miss? lol
  • Wiggy McShades - Monday, September 17, 2012 - link

    I know I don't speak for everyone, but don't shy away from getting technical in these discussions. This is the only place that I've heard any level of details in a discussion about an iPhone. It's fucking fantastic. Don't hide your knowledge!
  • Kevin G - Monday, September 17, 2012 - link

    Bah, last week you promised to discuss the new Kindle's which is lacking in this podcast. While no promise attached, no mention of new GPU's from nVidia, though they're mobile parts just reaching the desktop.

    As for the podcast, another excellent show. I liked the discussion and impressions on the iPhone 5. I also like how you discussed what was inside of the A6 and how you handled the story moving from Cortex A15's to custom logic on the site. I do wish that PA-Semi would have been mentioned in the podcast as they're likely a source for many offload engines and perhaps the improved memory controller.

    I also like the discussion of Haswell and how the future may see Intel vs. Apple. This reminds me of how Intel was flirting with the idea of being a foundry for other OEM's. They initially declined and then indicated 'maybe' to the idea fabbing an ARM part for the mobile market. I strongly suspect that Intel was thinking Apple when they changed to a 'maybe' stance though I figure that this is their plan B. Right now Intel seems to be focused getting their x86 SoC's down to the tablet levels to head of any advances made by ARM by any designer. Intel doesn't want to directly fight Apple as they're currently both a friend and a foe in the market. So for the moment Intel is content to fight by proxy. The currently primary plan is that Intel is actively helping OEM's build ultrabooks and x86 tablets to help compete against the Mac Book Air and iPad respectively.
  • Death666Angel - Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - link

    Why does Intel need to compete vs. the MBA? Last I checked, their chips are in that notebook.

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